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National Dog Show in Jelenia Góra – Krajowa Wystawa Psów Rasowych 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 Grupy FCI

24 czerwca 2018


It was a really intensive month – 3 dog shows and 3 weekends full of work and excitement.


Yesterday’s show was a little bit hard because I went there with Antares by train. We aren’t used to travelling in a such way. We always have a car transport and we can take a lot of things needed (or not ) for the show. This time all the equipment was in one bag. With no chair to sit on, only with Antares’s transporter (which was really useful, especially on a train) and a blanket which helped me to survive during the show because it was very windy and cold as so during our last visit in Jelenia Góra in April 2017. And last year’s show was lucky and so it was this time. We got an excellent note and some titles. I am proud of my Star, becuase he managed to present in the best way. Besides, he lost some weight (almost 2 kilos), but now he looks better.

We spent a lovely time with our new Friends and it was really nice experience to go for the show by train, alone. Although we came back tired, it was worth to do it. 


ANTARES – Open Class, excellent, I

Titles: Best Dog

             Best of Opposite Sex

Certyficates: CWC

Judge: Milena Seidel (PL)