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VI Autumn National Dog Show in Gorzów Wlkp. 17. 09. 2017

17 września 2017


We are back again. After 2 months break Antares took part in the VI Autumn National Dog Show in Gorzów Wlkp. This was his first dog show in the Junior Class and he was perfect again.

The judge liked his head, the shape and colour of his eyes and also his legs and hair. Antares moved with a grace, I am glad that he didn’t forget anyting because the weather this week wasn’t good for practising. He got Youth Winner Title and BOS Junior. And today he started Polish Junior Championship. It was a really great show for him. 

Antares – Junior Class, excellent, I

Titles: Youth Winner

               BOS Junior

Judge: Tomasz Sławik (PL)