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Summery – Litter „A”

5 grudnia 2018


Our sweet puppies from litter „A” in Montecarbone Kennel are in  new homes, and only Rosa is still with us and I finally found some time for „cleaning up” my webpage and writing the notes which I’ve always wanted to write, but had no time…


First, about the layettes for the puppies… I have always wanted to give my pups everything which could be useful and necessary in new houses, and that’s why I ordered beautiful and soft blankets with Montecarbone Logo. I also prepared special folders for the documents. A toy, some witamins by Pokusa  and food… it’s obvious 🙂 

Secondly, I am very proud of my puppies because they are really beautiful, with good quality coat and they behave very good, and I know, what I did a great job, doing my best and giving them all my love and sacrifice.

And although there were some worse moments, now I know, that they made me stronger… and gave strenghts to do it again, and again…. with God’s help….